Jeep Dealer Laval

Landry Automobiles is a Jeep Dealer in the city of Laval situed at 103 Curé Labelle, Ste-Rose, Laval, H7L 2Z2. If you need assistance to reach us you can call us at 1 866 414-5920.
At Landry Auto we are passionate about the Jeep brand and we even have an off-road course for our clients to experience. Since we sell many Jeeps every month we always hold a good inventory and when we do not have it in stock we can trade one we have with another dealer.
Our mission is to offer our clients the best sales experience possible; and our sales staff are friendly and without pressure, something that is rare in car dealerships. We work with you because sincerely want to get you the best possible deal, that is we advertise the best prices online in the entire province. And those prices are without any surprises.
So whether you are looking for a Jeep Compass, Jeep Cherokee, Jeep Grand Cherokee, Jeep Patriot, Jeep Wrangler, Jeep Wrangler Unlimited or the new Jeep Renegade we are here to help you achieve your dream of owning a Jeep...