Informations : remote evaluation of your vehicle, all you need to know
List of details you need to give us to evaluate your vehicle remotely. Examples of the photos you need to send us for a remote evaluation.

Even if it's impossible for you to come and see us at the dealership, we are happy to evaluate your vehicle remotely. We try, even if we can't do a physical inspection of your vehicle, to take into account all the informations that you give us so that we can give you a value that is close to the real value of your vehicle. It is important to note that a remote evaluation (when the vehicle is not here) is approximative and contingent to the physical inspection at the dealership before or on the day that you are taking possession of your new vehicle. Please note that the remote evaluation is done using the informations that you send to us. If those informations are wrong or missing, the price value of your vehicle is likely to change following the physical inspection. If everything is divulged and the pictures are accurate there should be no issues, the vast majority of our clients receive the same amount as our evaluation done remotely. The price of the evaluation is good for 15 days only, after this time limit, the evaluation needs to be recalculated. In order for us to get a concrete idea of the value of your trade-in even without seeing it, we need the following informations :
- Complete 17 characters of the Vehicle Identifivation Number (VIN);
- Make, Mode, Year, Trim;
- Mileage;
- Motor (ex. : 4 cylinders), Automatic or manual transmission;
- Number of keys;
- Number of summer/winter tires included in the trade-in and their wear (ex. : 7/32 or their mileage)
- Mechanical problems and the history of the damages suffered due to accidents (approximate amount of the damages), if applicable.

You also need to provide your sales reprensentative by text or email pictures of your vehicle exterior and interior with the following angles and also pictures of the damages if applicable :